Percentage means “parts out of one hundred.” The percentage sign is “%”. Ninety percent is expressed as 90% (= 90 parts out of 100). The decimal 0.90 equals 90⁄100, or 90 out of 100, or 90%.
Expressing a Decimal Number as a Percentage
To express a decimal number in percent, move the decimal point two places to the right (adding zeros if necessary) and then affix the percent symbol.
Example: Express the following decimal numbers as a percent:
.90 = 90%
.5 = 50%
1.25 = 125%
.335 = 33.5%
Expressing a Percentage as a Decimal Number
Sometimes it may be necessary to express a percentage as a decimal number. To express a percentage as a decimal number, move the decimal point two places to the left and drop the % symbol.
For example: Express the following percentages as decimal numbers:
90% = .90
50% = .50
5% = .05
150% = 1.5
Expressing a Fraction as a Percentage
To express a fraction as a percentage, first change the fraction to a decimal number (by dividing the numerator by the denominator), and then convert the decimal number to a percentage as shown earlier.
Example: Express the fraction 5⁄8 as a percentage.
Finding a Percentage of a Given Number
This is the most common type of percentage calculation. Here are two methods to solve percentage problems: using algebra or using proportions. Each method is shown below to find a percent of a given number.
Example: In a shipment of 80 wingtip lights, 15% of the lights were defective. How many of the lights were defective?
Algebra Method:
15% of 80 lights = N (number of defective lights)
0.15 × 80 = N
12 = N
Therefore, 12 defective lights were in the shipment.
Proportion Method:
To solve for N: N × 100 = 80 × 15
N × 100 = 1200
N = 1200 ÷ 100
N = 12
N = (80 × 15) ÷ 100
N = 12
Finding What Percentage one Number Is of Another
Example: A small engine rated at 12 horsepower is found to be delivering only 10.75 horsepower. What is the motor efficiency expressed as a percent?
Algebra Method:
N% of 12 rated horsepower = 10.75 actual horsepower
N% × 12 = 10.75
N% = 10.75 ÷ 12
N% = .8958
N = 89.58
Therefore, the motor efficiency is 89.58%.
Proportion Method:
To solve for N: N × 12 = 10.75 × 100
N × 12 = 1075
N = 1075 ÷ 12
N = 89.58
N = (1075 × 100) ÷ 12
N = 89.58
Therefore, the motor efficiency is 89.58%.
Finding a Number When a Percentage of It Is Known
Example: Eighty ohms represents 52% of a microphone’s total resistance. Find the total resistance of this microphone.
Algebraic Method:
52% of N = 80 ohms
52% × N = 80
N = 80 ÷ .52
N = 153.846
The total resistance of the microphone is 153.846 ohms.
Proportion Method:
Solve for N: N × 52 = 80 × 100
N × 52 = 8,000
N = 8,000 ÷ 52
N = 153.846 ohms
N = (80 × 100) ÷ 52
N = 153.846 ohms
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